Susanne Kaun, a conservator and researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research in Oslo, joins our conference as a member of our organizing committee.
Susanne works with architectural paint research, as well as conservation and restoration of murals and wall-mounted decor. In addition, she specializes in the use of handheld (HH) XRF analysis and digital documentation.
This year and for the first time, NKSR wants to dedicate a session the application of handheld XRF in the field of art, archeologi and conservation.
In the past decades, the use of HH-XRF for material analysis of art and cultural heritage has become more and more common. It is mainly used for pigment analysis and material analysis of artistic, historic and archelogical objects and manuscripts, but also for soil analysis on archeological sites and the detection of pesticides on artifacts. HH-XRF can be applied on site, it is non-invasive and the results are more or less directly accessible.
if you have any questions or are interestted in attending or presenting within this topic, please contecat Susanne directly. Her email is