
Short courses


Monday morning

The courses are held at the same time in different premises at the hotel.


Short course:

HH XRF and art.

  • Interpretation of spectra from inhomogeneous and layered structures

Course leader: Elena Platania

The course is aimed at users of HH-XRF (Hand Held-XRF), and will in particular address the issue of interpretation of X-ray spectra where the measurements are performed on layered and non-homogeneous samples, as is the case when examining art and cultural history artefacts.


Short course: 

Introduction to XRF
  •  Comparison other techniques
XRF  strategy
  • intensity to concentration
Important in XRF
  •  Analysis depth
  •  Line overlap
  •  Blanks/Background/Scatter



Couse leader: Bertil Magnusson
The course is aimed at beginners in the field. The course will cover a general introduction to XRF and the strategy when using XRF for new samples. Important issues in XRF will be covered such as analytical depth, line overlaps, blanks/background scatter and calibration strategy. A short history will also be presented and finally the safety issues with XRF instrument will be discussed. 
First chapters are available on-line and after registration to the course the full book will be available.